Graphic recording and visual facilitation services
Thank you for registering for the Sketch Basecamp.
Now, there is only one more step and we are done!
Please transfer the workshop fee to the account provided below according to the following rates:
If you have registered before the 21st April: 29.000 HUF (110 euros)
If you have registered before the 1st May: 34.000 HUF (130 euros)
Later (till the 10th May): 39.000 HUF (150 euros)
Please note that payment by bank transfer is required, you won’t be able to pay on the spot.
(The differences occuring between the prices in HUF and the official exchange rate of Euros are due to the processing of international transactions.)
The account details are the following:
Name: Livits Réka
Bank: Magnet Bank
IBAN: HU64 1620 0247 1000 6131 0000 0000
The workshop fee also includes a Sketch! PRO toolkit: a notebook and 4 different kinds of pens, that will enable you to create sketchnotes with a WOW-effect within a few minutes.
You will also receive an email with these information within a few minutes.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. Write me an email to or call me: +36 30 710 5962